For us, [SUMMARY] stage is the place to get closer with all fans. We always perform in a big place with big stage, so there’s a time we can’t see fans in certain seat. But because [SUMMARY]’s stage two years ago in Johnnys Theatre or this year [SUMMARY] in JCB Hall are not big place, therefore we can see the people face who come to our concert well. I can hear everyone’s shout of joy straightly, I feel really got support from them. Also last year, I heard fans who call my name [Chinen!] when I perform in stage. Therefore I can stand to perform in stage while my heart said [Thank you always for your proper support].
Speaking about [SUMMARY], because it’s a bit different with usual concert, I think the highlight from this concert is you can enjoy our serious facial expression. There’s plan where we will step in the hall ground, you can enjoy various angle from our facial expression, maybe you would find the new things. And of course, the big highlight scene for this time is flying scene. Our level has been increased 3 levels since the last time, I hope your eyes not separated with this scene. In addition, we adopt the circus style like swinging in the air and so on, because the people who see that performance certainly would feel the thrill, I think this show won’t become something that boring for you. I hope you can enjoy our professional performance!
About First Album
When we were debut, I think we would be able to release an album with similar timing like our senior. In fact, it took much more time than our seniors, and I feel that period is so long. This album is all members’ feeling. Now, especially my heart is full of [happiness]. Besides, in this first album, all members give their contribution for album production. This album is combination of all members’ thought, so I think it surely can be called [Hey! Say! JUMP]’s work. Because of that, no matter what kind of song that we make, I hope we can bring that image to everyone (note: JUMP’s image as a team). If you can feel that, I think it would increase my happiness. Personally, I was pushed to write [Smile Song]’s lyric! I want send the message [Your personality is important, the truth of you is good] with this song. Because you would smile if you hear this song, I hope you can hear this song always. Furthermore, the number one recommendation song for summer is [Ai ☆ Scream]. It’s like a rap song but, I hope you not just hearing that song, but I hope you can sing it at karaoke. When the recording of that song, I can sing it with various version such as full of spirit, cool, or cute version. Because when you can sing the rap part, you will feel the best achievement feeling, so I hope everyone consider it as a challenge.
Message from Hey! Say! JUMP
Since April this year, when we have started out nation-wide tour concert, the concert hall filled with pen light, the light is so beautiful, I feel excited. I feel like I got many support from great number of people when I saw that. In concert, I’m often perform acrobatic, at that time, I got many cheering shout from many fans, then I think [Yosh! I will fly one more again for everyone’s sake!], I got encouragement from everyone’s shout. For everyone who always come in our concert or everyone who come to our concert for the first time, we won’t betray your expectation, we will try to get near with all fans as much as possible in [SUMMARY] and in concert, then I want look all fans one by one, and I want our eyes can meet each other. This time, we will give the first-class show, and I want it would the show that never forgotten by everyone’s heart.

I think it’s really an honor to be able continue [SUMMARY] at two years ago. For us, [SUMMARY] is the place where all members can gather together, it’s like our desired home. But for Hey!Say!JUMP as a group, we feel [SUMMARY] like final exam in school. So far, each member has established his own name with continuously improve themselves in concert and TV program.
In this [SUMMARY], we arrange Hey! Say! JUMP’s song band version, that’s musical performance by members. That is a new challenge, I hope you can pay attention with that. When you watch the stage, please see Johnny’s Jr members who struggle desperately together and the stage installation that made by staff-san.
Just before the performance is started, all members make a circle. Then, we will make all members’ feeling become one with scream [Let’s do our best together! Let’s keep it!]. I want you to see our unity power. This time’s stage is really good, you can change various highlight there, everyone, please watch it carefully!
About First Album
When album releasing was decided, I didn’t know how my actual feeling. But, in fact, when the recording time, I said [finally, I can do this desired album!], my heart becomes happy immediately. If the album has been completed, I take one disc for hearing utility, and then I take 2 discs for saving use in home (laugh). Because I think I want keep that as my important thing.
The song that you have to ponder in this album is [Dash!], the song that I write. The theme is about determination where “You have to stand still and struggle to run!”, Then, there’s one meaning again, it’s about grasp your dream, [taking back your dream], it’s the suitable words too. Because you will feel ‘dash’ with this band song, I hope you can hear this song with loud volume.
Opposing with the album, our image is toy box! Because we put various songs there, I imagine we gather excitedly and someone said [what kind of toy that you want to put in the box?], I think it would be something that makes you surprised and happy. Then, speaking about the title [JUMP NO. 1], for us, that means ‘best album’. Each member make song lyric and song arrangement, I feel we have given the no 1 of our personality for this album production!
Message from Hey! Say! JUMP
We won’t be able to do [SUMMARY] or album if there isn’t fan, so I always thanks to everyone. It’s irritated if I don’t say [Thanks]. It would be good if we can communicate that feeling more and more again in society! When live concert, there are fans who write long and interesting sentence in their uchiwa, I want to said to them [I have read your message from stage~]. We don’t see other members only, but we see all fans too! If there isn’t fan, I think we never get our existence, so from now on, I think I want to keep running with everyone. If that feeling can reach you in [SUMMARY], it would be good. The power of unity of us and everyone is important thing, so from now on please support us always!
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