

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 12:08 PM 0 komentar
percuma saiia nangis kmareeenn!!

saiia dpt pringkat 2 di kelaaaaaaasss..~
jd gga kna marah ama inoo-nii..!!
tmn" jg bgus"..
yuu-chan dpt pringkat 1, aku ama icha dpt pringka 2, yurii-chan dpt pringkat 3, kyo-chan jua dpt pringkat 2 di kelas + pringkat 7 umum..
tp gga tau kalo pushi-chan..
sneng bgd gw..
gw gga bsa komentar ato neroscos ngomong apaan lg..
sumpah, antusias gw sneng bgd..!!

::topik laen, yukk marii::
btw suara'a yuto kalo ngmong bda bgd dri byasa'a..
hmpir" kea yabu gtuu kalo ngmong..
tp bgusan yuto..
*maafkan daku yabu-kun, XD*
sueerr, bda drii byasa'aaaa..
mkin kereeenn..

priview'a ~Arigatou~ Sekai no Doko ni Itemo kereeennn..
Like it!!
sumpahh, yuto cakep bgd dahh dii stuu!!!
gga sabar liat full pv'a, kpn sii tgl 15???
lama amed dahh!!

pacarku cakepnyyooo..~

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moga gga beneeerrr !!!

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 1:24 PM 0 komentar
ya allaaaahhh..
mogaaa omgannya guru gw gga bneeerr..

suer dii sekolaa gw nangis mulu dibuat..
mana pas dii humz tmn jua nangis..
kpikiran nehh ampe skrg!!
napa hrus ke kantor td??
kalo gga k kntor kn gga ktemu tt guru trus diblgin yg engga"!!

suer gw gga tahaaann..
pgn nangis mulu, tt guru ngmong'a ky gtuu..
jd kpikiran nehh..
moga gga bner daaahhh...
gw ud brusaha bkin nilai-nilai gw bgus, brusaha bwd nyenengin smua'a trutama ama ortu..

bner-bner nervous pas pmbgian raport besok..
mga omgan tt guru gga bneeeerrr!!

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Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 3:13 PM 0 komentar
jgn keluar sndirian..
setan berpesta..
*digaplok hikka*

eppii b'daeii Hikka-kun !!
mga mkin narsis mas!
jgn brenti mlakukan hal-hal gila brsma anag hsj laennya..!!

traktiran'a mana??

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sungguh ANEH!! tapi nyata.. ==a

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 5:47 PM 0 komentar
adoh adoh adoohhh...
uda kmaren sih gw download Live Stage'nya HSJ di Hey3!
tp gw gga bosen-bosen nnton, mo lewat kompi, lewat hape sndiri, bahkan lewat hape org laen..
sueeeeeerrr !!
keren abiiisssss !!
apalagi sang pujaan hati saiia, YUTO!!!

ampun deh keren banged luw di snii..
model rambutmu bkin akuuu...
terbang melayang-layang dii udara..
*emang pna sayap?*
apalagi gaya luw ps nyanyiii..
bkin gw meleleh ampe gga beku lagi..

pko'a luw hrus ttp keren ky dii situu!!
lagian kko tumben sii luw dii depan?? gapapa lahh, malah seneng saiia..


luw emg bner-bner malaikat yg sungguh baek hatii & cakep tetunyaaaa..~
yg bkin gw tergila-gila..
apalagi kalo mandangin foto luw berjam-jam, sueerrr..
nambah tegila-gila gw..
dnger suara luw jd gilaaaa..
liat vdeo hsj, trus ada luw.. gw jd gila beneraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannn...!!!
*adoh! apaan sii?!*

karna gw ud lama gga liat luw *video* gw ngrasa luw byk perubahaaann..
mkin cakep pokonya!!
top abiisss!!
gw gga nyangka luw lebii cakep drii yg dulu dulu dulu dulu en dulu...

gw byk saingan, sumpahh..
pas gw nnton tt video dahh..
pas bagian solonya Yamada triakan fansu'a byasa" ajj, pas daiki jua byasa" ajjj, pas chii ud mlai gde dkit, pas yabu agak kecilan..
trus knapa pas Yuto malah makin gedeeee??!!
triakan bwd chinen ajj kalah! apa maksud'aaa??!!
terus terang gw seneng banged luw tenar lagii, tp......
banyak saingan gw..

hiihh !!

yg pntink cakepp!!

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Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 4:29 PM 0 komentar
dirimu sudah 17 taon sekaraaang!

mga sukses slalu yakk..
byk rejeki en sehat slalu..
pnjang umur dn panjang tulang..
nmbah tinggi mksudkuuu...

nohh suruu yuto ama yabu bwd bagi-bagi tulangnya..

yo wess..
eppii b'daeii iiakk..

bikinan saiia..

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*gaje* >>> gga tau judulnya gw.. apaan enag'a??

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 3:33 PM 0 komentar
pagi-pagi dii sekola gw gga nyangka skit gigi gw ilang scara tiba-tiba pas ngmong ama seseorang..
apakah dy org yg gw suka???
*digeplak yuto*
org dy ceuue kko, lagian gw kaga lesbian yahh!!

*gajenya kluar*
TIK gw dpt nilai 80, Nihon-go dpt 100.. >w<
Agama 80..
kenapa nilai ky MATEMATIKA, IPS, SENI BUDAYA, BAHASA INDONESIA, PKN harus merosot sii??!!!
remidi jd'aaa!!!
utg Ei-go ama IPA kaga!
ikh!! bisa dimarahin berjam-jam sama inoo-nii..!!
liat dee ekspresinya kalo hbis marahin gw..
ngambek ama gw ajj ampe dy gga ngmong ama gw dlm 1 minggu..

nohh kan..
gara-gara nilai gw byk yg merosot ajj dy ampe nebas gw pke samurai..
utg ajj kaga kena..
tp kko ekspresi'a ky kga marah yakk??
au' akh! gelap!

utg kaga kna bneran gw..

hbis tt pacarnya dateng marah'a lgsung ilang..

centilnya muncul!!

bner-bner dahh nii org..
bkin gw jengkel..
tp ttp ajj dund, sejengkel-jengkelnya gw dy ttp kakak gw yg pling gw sayang..

kira-kira yg ngambil raport gw syapa yakk pas tgl 4??
hbisnya taon lalu yg ngambil pacarnya! dy mahh kuliah!
ampe gga nyangka pas masuk sekola lg tmn-tmn gw nanya..
"ee, yg ngmbil raportmu wktu tt syapa sii?? ckep banget"..
gw jawab ajj..
"oohh, yabu-kun tohh?? namanya yabu kouta, leadernya Hey! Say! JUMP"
nanya lg..
"ud pna pcr belom??"
gw jawab, "uda nohh, kakak gw"..
*ngarang cerita tingkat tinggi*

yo wes!
dii sekola gw nungguin adeknya yabu-kun, dy sobat gw slama 2 taon trakhir ini..
yaahh, kakak gw ama kakaknya pasangan, gw ama adeknya sahabatan dund..
pacar gw ama pacarnya ajj sahabatan jugaaa..
gw tunggu-tunggu ampe pulang en ampe dii depan humz gw tunggu..
gga dateng juga tt sapi!!
*disepak kyona*
"knapa sapi??"
"yaealaa! org pacarnya ajj kebo!!"
*disepak bneran*

pas gw sms, ehh!! ternyata gga jd dateng!!
alasannya sii ujan..
yahh, gw tau kko kaloo ujan..
org dii humz gw ajj ujan pas ituu..
tp hal yg pling bkin gw sedih tt dy gga jd nraktir gw makan "mie ayam"..
waloo dy janji lg "kapan-kapan"..
padahal gw uda nanti-nanti..

yo wes, ampe sgitu ajj..
gw lg ngebirit-birit mau makan soalnya..
laper boo..~
gara-gara ngmongin mie ayam..


Kakaknya kyona ama kakak gw lg kencan..

kalo yg ini pacarnya kyo-chan en pacar gw..
kebo & jerapaahhh..!!

noohh, kyo-chan yg rmbutnya pendeeekk..
gw yg dii tengahhh *kok jelek x yakk?? ==a*
trus yg dii samping gw anag nyasar, gga tau tt tiba-tiba dateng..

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My School Life

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 6:26 PM 0 komentar

My Junior High School at SMP Negeri 3 Kuta Selatan - Bali

My Friends at School

Study Tour

at PNB IT Competition, 08 Oct 2010

That's my School Life .

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Study Tour...

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 6:42 PM 0 komentar
tsukareta ne..~
demo ureshii desu ne..!!

pagi-pagi begitu dtg dii sekolaa, ayu-chan nyamperin aku tiba-tiba manggil aku..
langsung dah aku bengong, "kok Yuto?? emg sii aku suki ama Yuto, tp kn namaku Yumeeeee...!!!"
trus dijawab, "oiiaaaa... Yume maksudku.. YUME-CHAAAAANNN!!"
bahh, sarap dah niii org..

td tt study tour ke Bali Zoo Park ama Museum Vulkanologi..
pas di Bali Zoo Park ketemu Chii (tupai)..
*diinjek Chii*
syg'a gga ada Yuto.. T3T
bukannya liat Yuto malah gantungan hape tulisan Yuto yg ilang!!!

nama'a study tour kita yahh disamping seneng-seneng jg hrus bkin laporan..
tp slama prjalanan aku gga nulis tt laporan..
males tau! lagian kan tt laporan dikumpul hari Jumat depaaann!!
*blg ajj males*
whuahaaa, di bus yg aku bisa cma ngemil, dgr lagu hsj, hbis tt tidur..
syg'a aku jijik tt pas liat tmnku muntah-muntah..
tp biarin dah, mndingan aku dgr lagu HSJ ajj...
aku ama tmnku treak-treak noh pas nyanyiin lagu Score, Ai Scream ama Time..
yg lebih teriak-teriak lagi pas nyanyi lagu Dash!!
*anag sarap*

Narsis Amet dahh

Di jalanan keluar Museum Vulkanologi

Makan Rotiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Iklan frestea.. wuakakak

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I Hope They Will Always Remember Me

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 4:23 PM 0 komentar
the longer they look away from me...
where??? where our old friendship?

I'm always waiting messages from their..
1 minute, 1 hour, up to 5 hours .. messages from them did not come..

I will continue to wait for the messages ...
I'm very sad about ..
What they've forgotten about me?
if so, why would they be like that?
they have changed ...

I used to always smile to myself in my room because they send messages to each other ...
but everything has changed, now I just stayed in my room without doing anything ..
I always feel lonely now ...

whereas before we were leaving the school they said ...
"Do not forget our friendship, don't miss communication between us all, whether through anger or anything, promise?"
I always remember the words that they say that to me ..
but what is the evidence? Would not they who actually forgotten about me?
what the purpose of all this?
I really do not understand their actions ..!

never mind, I am writing this so that my mind can rest easy ...
I will read this notebook just once, then never again read this note ...
because I want to forget this problem, whatever they want to do anything ...
because maybe now my world and they have a different world ...
Forget it...

tumben gw curhat pake ei-go???
yahh, org skalian latian sii...
eh tp gw serius nii curhatannya, mereka kayaknya udah luapin aku..

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YY 2010.08.28 - SCORE

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 1:36 PM 0 komentar

71 Mb

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Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 1:25 PM 0 komentar
tiada hari tanpa ulangan..
= =

dii sekolaa smuanya ulangan, gw kira cmaa ulangan fisika doank...
ternyata semuanya, puyeng kepala gw...
mna fisikaku hsil'a menyedihkan lg, bner-bner harii yang menyebalkan en membosankan...

belom lagii tadi seleksi buat lomba Ms. Power Point..
maunya aku ngikutin dua seleksi, power point ama word..
tp gga tau kapan tt seleksi wordnya, yahh jaga-jaga ajj biar kalo yang satuu gga lulus kn bsaa yg satunya lagi...
tp kalo dua-duanya kaga lulus yauda...
bakal gila deh aku..
yahh tapii doain saiia yakk?? supaya lulus dii power point...!!
soalnya aku ngarepinnya cuma di power point ajj...
cz kalo word kn gampang, apalagi cma ngetik cepet doank bagiku gampang bgt...
ketikanku kn lumayan cepet...
cz sehari-hari aku ngetik mulu, jd kbiasaan ngetik cepet dehh..

doain istri sahmu ini yakk biar lulus seleksii..!!!
*dihajar fansu*

yahh pokoknya doain akuuu!!!!

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Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 5:31 PM 0 komentar
Selembar kain penuh makna, penuh semangat, penuh jiwa!
simbolis kekuatan bangsa kita! Kebanggaan kita INDONESIA...!!! Mari kibarkan semangat bangsa INDONESIA! MERDEKA!!!!

yaaahh.. yahh...
Indonesia seneng, gw ga seneng...
gmna mo seneng? pas penurunan bendera mo dimulai gw nyemplung di got!!!
bner" cobaan...
pertanda baik nohh???
kalo iia yahh Alhamdulillah de...

siapa bilang cuma org Indonesia ajj yg ngrayain kmerdekaan Indonesia??
5 pemuda dari JE pun merayakan, ampe bawa-bawa bendera merah putih jua nohh...

pas jua ntuu baju'a merah putih...

jd inget Ultra Music Power, merah putih jua...
tp thanks jua nohh bwd anag-anag Hey! Say! 7 ud cinta jua ama Indonesia...


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Hey! Say! 2010 Ten JUMP DVD ::RELEASE::

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 1:55 PM 0 komentar
1. Dreams come true
2. ビラの向こう (Tobira no Mukou)
3. 冒険ライダー (Bouken Rider)
4. 瞳のスクリーン (Hitomi no Screen)
5. Endless Dream
6. S.O.S
7. 輝きデイズ (Kagayaki Days)
8. スクールデイズ (School Days)
9. Score
10. 真夜中のシャドーボーイ (Mayonaka no Shadow Boy)
11. Star Time
12. スクール革命 (School Kakumei)
13. 太陽にLOVE MOTION! (Taiyou ni Love Motion)
14. FLY
15. Romeo & Juliet
16. 蜘蛛の糸 (Kumo no Ito)
17. おと
18. NYC
19. Dial Up
20. ゆめのタネ (Yume no Tane)
21. 勇気100% (Yuuki 100%)

22. ガンバレッツゴー! (Ganbaretsugo!)
23. ス・リ・ル (Su.Ri.Ru)
24. Ultra Music Power
25. Hey! Say!
26. 情熱JUMP (Jounetsu JUMP)
28. Your Seed
29. Born in the EARTH
31. 夢色 (Yume Iro)
32. Romeo And Juliet
33. 2010年5月16日京セラドーム大阪 ライブ映像
34. "Hey! Say! 2010 TEN JUMP"ツアードキュメント
35. ※以上、収録予定曲

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CD Japan

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::Summary Inoo Kei:: Duet Inoo Sept 2010

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 6:22 PM 0 komentar

I like nature! Only in the midst of the greenery, only then my heart is healed. Nearby my school, there’s a super big park. Inside the school premises there’s also a plains-like place but, compared to that, it’s so big that it’s surprising.

That day we have a yakiniku party at our house. (DAMN I WANNA GO). My dad got a prize from a golf competition, iberiko buta. (it’s some sort of high grade pork that’s really delicious and expensive) We fried it on a teppan, with salt and soy sauce, and eating that with vegetables was really delicious! ♥

Seriously, my room has no air conditioner. There’s an electronic fan but, because it’s troublesome I don’t take it out.Ever since [SUMMARY] started, I’m only in my room at night, when it is time to sleep. When I go home, I’ll be so exhausted that no matter how hot it is I’ll still sleep soundly. With that in mind, I think it’s alright not to have an air conditioner this year either.

(I bet this is his favourite topic) My mum’s cooking is the awesomely delicious! Since young, no matter how late I got home, she’d be waiting everyday with a prepared warm meal. Even though I take it for granted, I realised that that must have been tough on her. Because I put all feelings of gratitude for being able to turn 20 into this [SUMMARY] performance, mum, please come and watch me!

My dog’s body temperature (laugh)

That day I went to my friend’s house to study, I brought him a gift of butabara meat. Since that guy lives alone, he is always saying things like “I’m hungry~”, and he always gets to eat what I cook. (laughs) In conclusion, just by adding oyster sauce, most dishes would be able to come out well. (definitely)

For the sake of getting excited for [SUMMARY] please come prepared with a waa~arm feelings to give your support to JUMP.
By the way, did you realise that by connecting all the keywords, a sentence is formed?(he meant by connecting the topic orange box )
“I like you! Come to my house! My mum will really be preparing a warm meal for you.” Well, it doesn’t seem to have any link with [SUMMARY] though. (laugh).(I think the line is more suitable for people whom are luring him instead)

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SUMMARY 2010 Pamphlet Chinen Yuuri and Nakajima Yuuto

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 5:27 PM 0 komentar

For us, [SUMMARY] stage is the place to get closer with all fans. We always perform in a big place with big stage, so there’s a time we can’t see fans in certain seat. But because [SUMMARY]’s stage two years ago in Johnnys Theatre or this year [SUMMARY] in JCB Hall are not big place, therefore we can see the people face who come to our concert well. I can hear everyone’s shout of joy straightly, I feel really got support from them. Also last year, I heard fans who call my name [Chinen!] when I perform in stage. Therefore I can stand to perform in stage while my heart said [Thank you always for your proper support].

Speaking about [SUMMARY], because it’s a bit different with usual concert, I think the highlight from this concert is you can enjoy our serious facial expression. There’s plan where we will step in the hall ground, you can enjoy various angle from our facial expression, maybe you would find the new things. And of course, the big highlight scene for this time is flying scene. Our level has been increased 3 levels since the last time, I hope your eyes not separated with this scene. In addition, we adopt the circus style like swinging in the air and so on, because the people who see that performance certainly would feel the thrill, I think this show won’t become something that boring for you. I hope you can enjoy our professional performance!

About First Album

When we were debut, I think we would be able to release an album with similar timing like our senior. In fact, it took much more time than our seniors, and I feel that period is so long. This album is all members’ feeling. Now, especially my heart is full of [happiness]. Besides, in this first album, all members give their contribution for album production. This album is combination of all members’ thought, so I think it surely can be called [Hey! Say! JUMP]’s work. Because of that, no matter what kind of song that we make, I hope we can bring that image to everyone (note: JUMP’s image as a team). If you can feel that, I think it would increase my happiness. Personally, I was pushed to write [Smile Song]’s lyric! I want send the message [Your personality is important, the truth of you is good] with this song. Because you would smile if you hear this song, I hope you can hear this song always. Furthermore, the number one recommendation song for summer is [Ai ☆ Scream]. It’s like a rap song but, I hope you not just hearing that song, but I hope you can sing it at karaoke. When the recording of that song, I can sing it with various version such as full of spirit, cool, or cute version. Because when you can sing the rap part, you will feel the best achievement feeling, so I hope everyone consider it as a challenge.

Message from Hey! Say! JUMP
Since April this year, when we have started out nation-wide tour concert, the concert hall filled with pen light, the light is so beautiful, I feel excited. I feel like I got many support from great number of people when I saw that. In concert, I’m often perform acrobatic, at that time, I got many cheering shout from many fans, then I think [Yosh! I will fly one more again for everyone’s sake!], I got encouragement from everyone’s shout. For everyone who always come in our concert or everyone who come to our concert for the first time, we won’t betray your expectation, we will try to get near with all fans as much as possible in [SUMMARY] and in concert, then I want look all fans one by one, and I want our eyes can meet each other. This time, we will give the first-class show, and I want it would the show that never forgotten by everyone’s heart.

I think it’s really an honor to be able continue [SUMMARY] at two years ago. For us, [SUMMARY] is the place where all members can gather together, it’s like our desired home. But for Hey!Say!JUMP as a group, we feel [SUMMARY] like final exam in school. So far, each member has established his own name with continuously improve themselves in concert and TV program.

In this [SUMMARY], we arrange Hey! Say! JUMP’s song band version, that’s musical performance by members. That is a new challenge, I hope you can pay attention with that. When you watch the stage, please see Johnny’s Jr members who struggle desperately together and the stage installation that made by staff-san.

Just before the performance is started, all members make a circle. Then, we will make all members’ feeling become one with scream [Let’s do our best together! Let’s keep it!]. I want you to see our unity power. This time’s stage is really good, you can change various highlight there, everyone, please watch it carefully!

About First Album

When album releasing was decided, I didn’t know how my actual feeling. But, in fact, when the recording time, I said [finally, I can do this desired album!], my heart becomes happy immediately. If the album has been completed, I take one disc for hearing utility, and then I take 2 discs for saving use in home (laugh). Because I think I want keep that as my important thing.

The song that you have to ponder in this album is [Dash!], the song that I write. The theme is about determination where “You have to stand still and struggle to run!”, Then, there’s one meaning again, it’s about grasp your dream, [taking back your dream], it’s the suitable words too. Because you will feel ‘dash’ with this band song, I hope you can hear this song with loud volume.

Opposing with the album, our image is toy box! Because we put various songs there, I imagine we gather excitedly and someone said [what kind of toy that you want to put in the box?], I think it would be something that makes you surprised and happy. Then, speaking about the title [JUMP NO. 1], for us, that means ‘best album’. Each member make song lyric and song arrangement, I feel we have given the no 1 of our personality for this album production!

Message from Hey! Say! JUMP

We won’t be able to do [SUMMARY] or album if there isn’t fan, so I always thanks to everyone. It’s irritated if I don’t say [Thanks]. It would be good if we can communicate that feeling more and more again in society! When live concert, there are fans who write long and interesting sentence in their uchiwa, I want to said to them [I have read your message from stage~]. We don’t see other members only, but we see all fans too! If there isn’t fan, I think we never get our existence, so from now on, I think I want to keep running with everyone. If that feeling can reach you in [SUMMARY], it would be good. The power of unity of us and everyone is important thing, so from now on please support us always!

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JADWAL PADET...!!! ==a

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 6:54 PM 0 komentar
Senin: Sekolah, bebaaaaaaaaasssssss....
Selasa: Sekolah, Les..
Rabu: Sekolah, bebaaaaasss...
Kamis: Sekolah, Les..
Jumat: Sekolah, Les Komputer..
Sabtu: Sekolah, Pramuka, IT...
Minggu: bebas, Les...

OH MY GOD...!!!

gilaaaaa, bkind cape ajj de...
mlz dah gw kalo gnii trus, tp gapapa lahhh... coz gw jua ud klas 9, jd hrus ngikutin les ini itu biar gw bsa lulus kalo ujian, + bwd carii nilai ekstra... eheheheh

kaga bisa kncan ama Yuto ky dulu lagiiii...
dlu kn bbas mo kncan kpn ajj, yahh kalo yuto'a jua ga sibuk siii...

kok tba" jd inget gru TIK gw td di sekolaa yakk???
ps ngmongin ttg dampak negatif'a jejaring social "FaceBook" dy blg gnii...
"anaknya dibawa orang masa ortunya bisa marah sihh?? masii mnding dibawa orang, dari pada dibawa ama KEBO..."
ps ngmong "KEBO"nya di bsarin lg suara'a, ngakak gw ktawa td...
cz jd igt ama Kyo-chan...
*dijotos Kyo*
coz'a lg krna ada kebo jadi"an di klas gw, kira" trsnggung kga yakkk ntuu anag???

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INOO POPOLO 0910 (Translation)

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 11:33 AM 0 komentar

Mum’s cooking is the reason I’m healthy.
I think, I’m always asking for help from my university friends. When I am unable to attend school because of work, they would stay up the whole night to teach me the contents of the lecture. I’m really grateful to them, and they make me think that I need to work hard too. Also, a source of my energy is my mum’s cooking.(i was rather speechless about this, i mean, juggling work, rehearsals,concerts, shoots and stuff, where does this guy find time to eat or breathe? D:)
As expected home cooked food gets me excited and also, it’s really delicious!
In my opinion, rather than eating it at any restaurant, curry can never be compared to the one at home! I’m also thankful for the fact that she adjusts the taste of the food according to my conditions. When I feel tired, she would make the miso soup slightly thicker. (Miso soup helps in body condition?)Then, the dogs of my house, an and jam are my utmost precious possession. Because when I get home they happily showed me their tummies, when I see that it’s really healing ne.
JUMP place.
Food cart’s curry is awesome!
At lunchtime, a curry cart comes by my school. A while back, I decided to try the curry. I ordered the one which is sort of an Asian type, with mince meat and cheese toppings. It was super delicious!
Album No.1 point.
As expected, the one which I practised the piano so hard for, INFINITY, is my number 1 point. And also the last song, I’ve placed my thoughts towards the fans inside, I hope you guys would listen to it with your heart.

Food Column from Duet 1008
This is JUMP’s number 1 rice lover, Inoo’s, food series. We’ll have him taste the famous food from all over the country, and this month he’ll be trying the bitter dried plums, which he is weak at. (Local produce from the Wakayama prefecture)

SOUR!!! (scream) Eh? This is a little sweet too. (eats another one) If it’s like that I’m okay with it. I think it’s really delicious (for inoo’s sake, we prepared a sweet one which was dipped in honey.) But because it’s sweet, rather than eating it with rice, it’s more suitable as a snack. It seems like it will be good for times when you are feeling tired. And I didn’t know that this was local produce from the Wakayama prefecture! I actually have a friend in university that are from Wakayama, and we even went there together during the summer holidays. However, because my friend’s place is a hand-made noodle shop, so all we ate there were noodles, and I didn’t realise it. (laugh)

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*ga kepikiran ama judulnya* CHAP 1

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 8:21 PM 0 komentar
.Nakajima Yuto (tokoh utama 1)
.Hinamori Yume (tokoh utama 2)
.Yoshinaka Yurika (temennya Yume)
.Arioka Daiki (Ketua Osis)
.Yabu Kyona (Kakaknya Yume) ::kakak buangan:: *disepak Kyo*
.Brandon (Adeknya Yume) *ngikut ajj nehh Brandon XDDD*

Kata-kata yang sering aku ucapkan saat memandangi foto Yuto, sebenarnya Yuto itu sahabatku sejak kecil. Walau kami sering berdebat, tapi aku pikir akhir-akhir ini entah mengapa sepertinya aku ‘SUKA’ dia!

“Urusai! Bisa diem nggak sih?!”
“ehh?” suara itu terdengar dari luar jendela kamarku, segeralah aku membuka jendela kamarku.
“ehhhhh???!!” sudah aku duga kalau itu Yuto, yahh.. rumahku memang bersebelahan dengan rumahnya, kamarku yang berada di lantai atas juga bersebelahan dengan kamarnya.
“Aku sedang belajar tahu! Berisik!” kata Yuto kepadaku dengan tampang kesal.
“um? Memangnya kenapa?! Terserahku mau gimana!!” sahutku yang juga sedikit kesal dengannya.
“Heh! Sini kau!” Yuto menyuruhku untuk mendekatinya.
“Untuk apa?!” tanyaku yang tak berniat untuk mendekatinya.
“Cepat sini!!” Yuto memaksa sambil melemparkan pensil mekaniknya ke arahku, dan.. jadilah kepalaku yang kena.
*kejadian nyata: temenku di kelas IX.4 nglempar pensil mekanik ke arahku, ampe kena kepalaku. Dan akhirnya kepalaku benjol beneran… ==*
“Hei! Sakit tahu!!!” bentakku yang kesal sambil memegangi bagian kepalaku yang terkena lemparan pensil dari Yuto.
“Sini! Mau kulempar pakai yang lebih besar lagi??!”
“ikh!! Dasar kejam!!” kataku kesal, dan akhirnya aku mendekatinya juga walau aku tak berminat.
“Apa?!” tanyaku padanya yang masih kesal.
“maksudnyaaaa… kau suka siapa?” tanya Yuto padaku dengan tampang polosnya.
“eh??” pertanyaan yang mengerikan bagiku.
“maksudmu apa??” lanjutku.
“tadi kan kau berteriak ‘AKU SUKA DIA’”
“eh? Kau mendengarnya?” uwaaaaaaaaa, aku benar-benar gugup saat Yuto mengatakan hal itu.
“jelas saja, kalau tidak dengar buat apa aku tanya tentang itu” jelas Yuto.
“ooohhh… begitu ya?” ucapku sambil tersenyum kecil dan mengangkat satu alisku ke atas.
“tampangmu menyebalkan!” kata Yuto yang melaihat ekspresi wajahku barusan.
“weeeeekkkk!!!” aku menjulurkan lidahku bermaksud mengejeknya, dan aku segera lari ke kamar.
“Hei! Pertanyaanku belum kau jawab!!!” ucap Yuto, tapi aku pura-pura tak mendengarnya.

‘pertanyaan macam apa itu?? Walau orang yang aku sukai itu kau! Tapi aku tak ingin kau tahu! Ya sudahlah, hari sudah larut malam! Mending aku tidur saja!’


‘eh? Siapa? Apa maksudnya?’
“katakanlah yang sebenarnya…”
‘siapa sih? Apa maksud dari kata-kata itu?’
‘eh? Suaranya berubah. Dan sepertinya aku mengenal suara ini’
“Yume-chan!!” seorang memanggilku sambil memukul kepalaku dengan buku. Kejamnyaaaaaa….~
“auuww!! Sakit!!!” rintihku.
“ehh?? Cuma mimpi ya??” ucapku pelan.
“Hoi! Cepat mandi! Mau Sekolah apa enggak sih??!” neechan berteriak menyuruhku sambil mengguncang-guncang badanku.
“aaakh!! Iya-iya!!” bentakku dan langsung masuk ke kamar mandi.

“waaaaaa…. Aku mau nambahhh”
“ehh, nanti kakak nggak kebagian!”
Haahhh, pagi-pagi sudah ribut karena perdebatan antara kakak dan adikku, tapi bagiku ini sudah biasa.
“Hei! Bagianku mana?!” tanyaku kepada kakak dan adikku.
“nihh, dihabisin sama Brandon” jawab kakakku sambil menunjuk Brandon, adikku.
“bohong! Kyo yang habisin!!” sahut adikku.
“panggil aku kakak!!!” bentak kakakku yang begitu kesalnya sama Brandon.
“haaaahhh… ya sudahlahh, nggak apa-apa kok” aku pasrah sajaaaaa……
“kalau begitu aku berangkat sekolah dulu. Ittekimasu” ucapku sambil keluar rumah.

“um?” yahh, Yuto sudah menungguku dari tadi di depan rumahku. Kami biasa berangkat dan pulang sekolah bersama.
“maaf…” ucapku.
“Hufft…” Yuto menghela nafasnya, entah apa yang dipikirkannya saat ini.
“oh iya! Kemarin kan aku melemparkan pensilku padamu. Mana sekarang? Kembalikan!” ucap Yuto.
“ha? Siapa suruh kau melemparnya?? Karena kau sudah melemparnya dan mengenai kepalaku maka aku tak mau mengembalikannya!!! Wekkk!! Untukku saja ya?!” sahutku.
“apa?! Enak saja!! Kembalikan!!!”
“tidak mau!!” ucapku sambil berlari, dengan rasa tak terima akhirnya Yuto mengejarku.

Aku menabrak seseorang dan terjatuhlah aku.
“haaaahhh.. kalau jalan itu hati-hati! Nggak usah pakai lari-lari kenapa?!”
“eh?? Maaf” ucapku kepada orang itu. Yahh, sudah aku duga dia Arioka Daiki, ketua Osis di sekolah ini. Walau sifatnya baik tapi dia juga cepat marahnya. Dari pada terjadi hal-hal yang tak aku inginkan mendiangan aku langsung masuk ke kelas saja.

“huwaaaaaaaaaaa….~ Yume-chaaaannn…~” salah seorang temanku muncul tiba-tiba di hadapanku.
“eh? Nande?” tanyaku heran.
“huwaaaaa..! kemarin hal yang tidak-tidak terjadi kepadakuuuu…. Tapi, aku sungguh menikmatinya.. ehe” jelasnya.
“eh? Maksudmu?” tanyaku yang tak mengerti apa yang temanku bicarakan.
“kemarin Chii-kun tiba-tiba mengajakku kencaaaannn…~ dan….” Kata-katanya terhenti.
“dan?” aku heran melihat temanku itu.
“yahh, begitulah pokoknya! Sangking senangnya aku nggak bisa ngomong apa-apa lagi!” lanjutnya.
“ha? Dasar aneh…” dia temanku, namanya Yoshinaka Yurika. Baru-baru ini aku dengar dia punya pacar baru, dan dialah Chinen Yuri, temannya Yuto-kun.


Pelajaranpun dimulai. Apa yang Sensei jelaskan aku tak bisa mengertikannya, aku hanya melamun saja. Tapi lamunan itu terhenti ketika beberapa Osis yang masuk ke kelasku, mereka memeriksa semua isi tas para siswa-siswi di sekolah ini. Pemeriksaan isi tas telah diadakan awal bulan kemarin. 1 bulan yang lalu sekolah ini telah diperketat, handphone dan barang-barang yang tak layak dibawa ke sekolah itu akan disita jika kita membawanya. Kebersihan kelaspun akan diperiksa juga.

“kau temannya Yuto ya?”
“ha? Iya, ada apa?” tanyaku kepada Daiki, sang ketua Osis.
“sampaikan padanya, temui aku di taman sepulang sekolah nanti” kata Daiki sambil mengobrak-abrik tasku.

Bel berbunyi menandakan waktu untuk istirahat. Padahal Osis belum selsai memeriksa semuanya, tapi mereka tetap menjalankan tugasnya.
“ingat ya! Jangan lupa sampaikan padanya!” ucap Daiki sambil pergi keluar kelasku.
Ugh! Aku sungguh kesal! Dasar orang yang tak mau bertanggung jawab!! Sudah mengobrak-abrik isi tasku tapi tak mau mengembalikannya seperti semula!! Awas saja kalau aku sampai bertemu dengannya lagi!!
Haaaaaahhhh…~ tapi ya sudahlah, aku rapikan saja.

“Yume-chan, makan yukk” ajak Yurika kepadaku.
“umm, iya” ucapku sambil membuka tas untuk mengambil bekal makan siangku di sekaolah.
“ehh?? Bekalku mana?” aku panic mencari bekalku yang ternyata tak ada di dalam tasku.
“huweeeeeee….~ nggak adaaa…~”
“kok bisa? Ketinggalan??” tanya Yurika.
“haaahhh… mungkin…~”
“ng.. mungkin bekalku cukup untuk kita berdua” kata Yurika yang sepertinya mau membagi bekalnya padaku.
“ayo, aku membagi bekalku untukmu…” ajak Yurika dan langsung menarik tanganku menuju atap gedung sekolah.

Belum sampai di atap tiba-tiba saja kakakku menghentikan langkah kami.
“dasar bodoh! Kenapa kau melupakan bekalmu sih?” ucap kakakku.
“eh??? Ehehehe… gomen ne…~ namanya saja orang lupa” kataku sambil cengar-cengir.
“nihh, jangan sampai lupa lagi. Tasku jadi berat tahu” sambil memberikan bekal dia langsung pergi meninggalkan kami berdua, padahal aku mau mengucapkan terimakasih kepadanya.

“si jelek itu stylenya berubah ya?” ucap Yurika.
“eh? Berubah apanya?” tanyaku.
“banyak yang berubah darinya, terutama pada bagian rambut. Kyo-chan lagi jatuh cinta ya??” Yurika heran melihat kakakku.
“umm… mungkin… aku dengar-dengar sih dia lagi suka sama seseorang”
“eh?? Siapa??”
“aku tak tahu nama aslinya. Tapi dia sering dijuluki ‘SADAKO’ sama teman-temannya” jelasku kepada Yurika yang tadinya amat sangat penasaran.
“ehh?? Sadako?? Tapi menurut info yang aku dengar bukannya dia dipanggil-panggil ‘KEBO’??” tanya Yurika lagi.
*wakakakakak, gomen ne Kyo-chaaaaaaannnnn…. Ehe.. *dibom Kyo*..*
“buat apa kita bicara tentang itu? Ayo cepat makan” aku sungguh lapaaaaarrrr… hehe..

“nyaaaahhhh…~ kenyangnyaaaa…~”
“aku jugaaa….~”
Makanan 1 kotak kecil itu saja sudah membuat perut kami kenyang. Setelah makan kami berdua kembail ke kelas.
Tiba di kelas…
“Hei! Tasku di mana???” aku berteriak karena tasku yang tadinya ada di atas meja tiba-tiba menghilang.
“kau mencari ini?” Yuto tiba-tiba muncul di hadapanku, membuat aku kaget dan tak bisa berkutik sedikitpun.
“ehh?? Kembalikaaaannn!!!” aku berusaha merebut tasku dari tangan Yuto, tapi dia tak mau memberikannya.
“kembalikan dulu pensilku” ucapnya dengan suara yang sok lembut.
“ikh! Iya-iya! Nihh!!” kulemparkan pensilnya itu hingga terkena kepalanya.
“akhh! Sakit bodoh!!” rintihnya sambil melemparkan tas kepadaku.
“Hupp!! Yey!! Lemparan yang bagus kawan!” aku menangkap tasku dengan sempurna!
“awas kau!”
“hehe, oh iya.. Yuto-kun…”
“apa lagi?!” ups, sepertinya Yuto mulai kesal.
“tadi ketua Osis bilang, Yuto-kun disuruh tunggu dia di taman sepulang sekolah nanti” jelasku pada Yuto.
“ha? Huffh, iya deh” jawabnya.

Aku tak tahu apa yang akan ketua Osis lakukan pada Yuto, aku berencana akan menyelidikinya. Aku ingin tahu apa sebenarnya yang akan terjadi, semoga tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tak aku inginkan…

To Be Continued……

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Thank You 僕たちから君へ "Member Message" Eng & Indonesia Translation

Diposkan oleh 伊野尾 夢梨 (Inoo Yumeri) di 7:14 PM 0 komentar

Thank You ~僕たちから君へ~
Normal Edition: MESSAGES

Yabu: Eh, this is Yabu Kota. Thank you for always supporting us. To those of you, we're always thinking of how we can give something back in return, but this time, we wrote the song "Thank you". Our gratefulness... while discussing it together, we put these feelings of thanks to you all into this one song. Please keep supporting us from now on, too. Let's make lots of memories together. Bye-bye.

Chinen: Hello, it's Chinen Yuri. To my dear Juliet: I love you. I love you. I love you too much. I love you. Just kidding . Everyone. I love you! This time I'm serious! Bye-bye. This was Chinen Yuri.

Takaki: Hello everyone, it's Takaki Yuya~. Um, it's been 6 years, exactly 6 years since I joined Johnny's, and it's thanks to all of you that I've been able to do my best and come this far. Please support us from now on too. We'll also do our best to put a smile on your face. Well, see you. Bye-bye. Wo Ai Ni.

Morimoto: This is Morimoto Ryutaro. Thanks for listening (to the CD) 'til the end. I wonder if you'll listen to the album again? Surely it'll be good if you do! What a short message! This was Morimoto Ryutaro.

Yaotome: Hi, this is Hikaru. Listen to this album, and while you do, really, really, really, really enjoy every day, won't you! Hoija (note: um, I have no idea what this word is. It could be just a random Hikaru sound?) Bye-bye. Bye-bye-bye* (note: sounds like he is saying "baby" instead of "bye-bye")... Ow!

Okamoto: Hey. It's Okamoto Keito. I'm able to keep going because of your smiles. From now on and forever, for 10 years, well, even 100 years on, please keep supporting me. Thank you always. See you~

Arioka: Hey. This is Arioka Daiki. Thanks for always supporting us! I sincerely think it's because of all of you that JUMP is able to release an album like this. Keep supporting us from now on, too! Ah, also, the song Time, I was given the chance to arrange it. I'd like it if you could take in each sound individually. So, let's meet again with the second album. See you next album. Bye-bye

Nakajima: This is Nakajima Yuto~! Yay~! Everyone, follow us! This was Yuto. Bye-bye.

Inoo: How are you? I am Inoo Kei. Thanks for always being our support. Because you are always by our sides, we've been able to release our first album like this. Thanks so, so much. Everyone, lastly, ii no? (literal meaning: is it okay? A play on words, since his last name is Inoo, which sounds like ii no) Thanks, bye-bye!

Yamada: This is Yamada Ryosuke. Everyone, thank you. Daily, while thinking this, we're doing our best. Because you are here, JUMP is here. Mm, this is it. Mmm. From now on too, keep following Hey! Say! JUMP, won't you! That's all, this has been Yamada Ryosuke.


Yabu Kota: Eh, ini Yabu Kota. Terima kasih untuk selalu mendukung kami. Untukmu, kami selalu berpikir tentang bagaimana kita dapat memberikan sesuatu itu kembali, tapi kali ini, kami menulis lagu "Thank You Bokutachi Kara Kimi E". Kami berterima kasih ... sementara mendiskusikan bersama-sama, kita menaruh perasaan terima kasih kepada Anda semua ke dalam satu lagu. Harap tetap mendukung kita dari sekarang juga. Mari kita membuat banyak kenangan bersama-sama. Bye-bye.

Chinen: Halo, ini Chinen Yuri. Untuk Juliet saya: Aku mencintaimu. Aku mencintaimu. Aku sungguh mencintaimu. I love you. Hanya becanda. Semua, I love you. Kali ini aku serius! Bye-bye. Chinen Yuri.

Takaki: Halo semua, ini Takaki Yuya ~. Um, sudah 6 tahun, tepatnya 6 tahun sejak saya bergabung Johnny, dan itu terima kasih kepada Anda bahwa saya telah mampu melakukan yang terbaik dan sampai sejauh ini. Kami mohon dukungan dari sekarang juga. Kami juga akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk meletakkan senyum di wajah Anda. Yah, lihat Anda. Bye-bye. Wo ai ni

Morimoto: Ini Morimoto Ryutaro. Terima kasih untuk mendengarkan (untuk CD) sampai akhir. Aku ingin tahu apakah Anda akan mendengarkan album lagi? Pasti akan menjadi baik jika Anda lakukan! Apa ini pesan singkat? Morimoto Ryutaro.

Yaotome: Hai, ini Hikaru. Mendengarkan album ini, dan saat Anda melakukannya, benar-benar, benar, benar-benar menikmati setiap hari, tidak akan Anda! Hoija (catatan: um, saya tidak tahu apa kata ini. Itu bisa saja bahasa Hikaru) Bye-bye?. Bye-bye-bye * (catatan: suara seperti yang dia katakan "baby" bukan "bye-bye ")... Ow!

Okamoto: Hei. Ini Okamoto Keito. Aku bisa terus tersenyum karena anda. Mulai sekarang dan selamanya, selama 10 tahun, baik, bahkan pada 100 tahun, silakan terus mendukung saya. Thank you always, see you…

Arioka: Hei. Ini Arioka Daiki. Terima kasih untuk selalu mendukung kita! Saya sungguh-sungguh berpikir itu karena anda semua yang JUMP mampu merilis album seperti ini. Tetap mendukung kita dari sekarang juga! Ah, juga, Waktu lagu, aku diberi kesempatan untuk mengaturnya. Saya mau kalau Anda bisa mengambil di setiap suara individual. Jadi, kita ketemu lagi dengan album kedua. See you next album. Bye-bye

Nakajima: Ini Nakajima Yuto ~! Yay ~! Semua orang, ikuti kami! ini Yuto. Bye-bye.

Inoo: Apa kabar? Saya Inoo Kei. Terima kasih untuk selalu mendukung kami. Karena Anda selalu di sisi kita, kita sudah bisa merilis album pertama kami seperti ini. Terima kasih, begitu banyak. Semua, terakhir, ii no? (Arti harfiah: tidak apa-apa? Sebuah permainan kata-kata, karena nama terakhir adalah Inoo, yang terdengar seperti ii no) Terima kasih, bye-bye!

Yamada: ini Yamada Ryosuke. Semua, terima kasih. Sementara pemikiran ini, kami melakukan yang terbaik. Karena Anda di sini, JUMP di sini. Mm, ini dia. Mmm. Mulai sekarang juga, terus mengikuti Hey! Say! JUMP, ya! Itu saja, ini Yamada Ryosuke.

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